All that said, even though time is flying, I’m enjoying it. Doing this yoga certification has definitely been a great experience and I’m quite happy to have Kelly back in my life writing up my training calendar as well. It’s nice not to have to think too hard about anything other than the end goal(s).
Now, back to the title of this post… Yoga for Swimmers.
This past weekend I presented/taught my “certification class” to my fellow yoga teacher trainees. If you hadn't already guessed, the class I designed was a ‘Yoga for Swimmers’ class.
It was important to me to teach a class with a theme that interested me, and I knew it would be easier to instruct a class based on something I truly enjoy doing and am knowledgeable about. I figured if I had picked a theme about chakras or mudras (while totally wonderful themes), it may not have been quite as personal and may have been a bit more forced, as the more spiritual side of yoga is still somewhat new to me.
So while maybe a little more physical than spiritual, I think my ‘Yoga for Swimmers’ class went really well.
I began my class with an explanation as to why I chose the type of class I did. In short, for me, it was natural – yoga and swimming use a lot of the same skillful breathing techniques and have many similar meditative qualities. I could go into more depth about pranayama and pratyhara, but well, I’ll save that for another time.
I had practiced my class (to myself, my family, my co-workers) many times before I was set to teach my fellow teacher trainees. I felt confident and ready.
When it was finally time, I stood up in front of the class and the nerves rolled in! My stomach was jumping up and down, my voice felt like it was trembling at times and the sweat began to pour off of me.
T-Shirt + Nerves = Pit Stains.
I think it was something about being ‘graded’ and also something about teaching to a group of girls who are all learning the same thing as I am. I think it was knowing that they would likely be more aware if I screwed up or botched a cue. Really, I know this is silly, as it is a great group of girls who are all super supportive and I did notice lots of friendly smiles from the group as I taught my class. But, well, you know?
My nerves settled a bit as I got further and further into the class and before I knew it, it was time for Savasana and our final relaxation. I was soo happy to be done. Euphoric almost.
I received some really kind words from all of my classmates and my instructor Laura, followed up with a great “report card” – in the end (nerves and all), I passed my certification class with flying colours! (Yay me!) Now all that is left is completing my 200 hours of class time and passing my anatomy exam - two things I’m pretty confident I can handle.
So, look for me in early February – perhaps teaching at your local yoga studio or incorporating something new into your masters swim club :)
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