Friday, October 9, 2009

In honour of Alex Trebek ~ "Potpourri"

If you don't watch Jeopardy, you probably have no idea what the title of this post refers to, even if you do, you still might not get it because maybe it's just one of those things that I found funny in my head and really makes no sense at all…. Anyway, to sum up this little bit of rambling (and explain the title), this post is just like the "Potpourri" category on Jeopardy, it is simply a mish-mash of all the things running through my brain as race day approaches. So here goes...

Thought 1: Survival of the brightest?

Yesterday morning I headed out for my last easy run before the race on Sunday (aside from race prep on Saturday that is) and it sure felt like it took everything I had to survive it… but I’m not talking about survival from a running standpoint. There are definitely those days when your legs just feel heavy or you can’t seem to find your breath, yesterday wasn’t one of those days. I felt okay, a bit tired and heavy footed out of the gates, but okay.

The survival I’m talking about was different. Yesterday morning it seemed like every person in Shawnigan decided to head to work about the time I went out for my run. Every car was in a rush, flying down the road with high beams on (thank goodness I was brightly illuminated and highly reflective), hugging the shoulder like they don’t normally do (the guys in the pick-up trucks are the worst!). Top all that off with a dog who not only decided he needed to pee on EVERYTHING this morning, but suddenly had a new fascination with trying to turn (into traffic) to look at each and every car as they whizzed by. What the heck Rusty? An interesting outing to say the least, but *knock on wood* I did survive and am now ready to race on Sunday. Which leads me to....

Thought 2: Nerves and Excitement

I'm really looking forward to this race. It's an odd mix of feeling nervous and excited. I know I can do the distance - there is no doubt in my mind - I can do it. But, I have moments where I think the goal I have set for myself is realistic and moments where I'm not so sure, which makes me nervous.

Thought 3 – List It

I'm a bit OCD when it comes to lists. I probably make more lists than I need to (packing lists, to-do lists, grocery lists). So, it seems fitting that I have my pre-race checklist (in no particular order).

- Clip toenails
- Get some good rest (I had a fabulous sleep last night - hoping for the same tonight)
- Eat some “carb-y” things without unintentionally "fat-loading" instead
- Pick up race package and check out the race expo (Yay! I love this part of race weekend... hopefully there is some good free 'swag')
- Enjoy a nice epsom salts bath
- Think positive and visualize myself finishing the race in my goal time
- Hydrate, hydrate and then hydrate some more
- Plan out the timeline for race morning so I don't feel rushed or stressed heading to the start line

Thought 4 – Thanks

Last but not least, I just wanted to thank everyone who has been reading this and has commented (whether directly to me or in the comments). It’s really great to know I have so many people supporting me and it’s also really special to have someone tell you that your words have made them laugh, or cry, or even helped inspire them in some small way. So thank you.

And I think that is all for now. Good luck to everyone who is racing this weekend! (especially Kirsten, you're gonna kill it in the full).

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on a great race today! So happy that you set the goal and accomplished this! I also love the ode to the carbs!
