Friday, March 16, 2012

Random Friday Facts: Shoulder Twitch Edition

It has been a busy week at work, a fairly heavy week of training, and well, there has just been A LOT going on. I kind of can’t believe it is already Friday (not that I’m complaining).

Anyway, I figured it was time for another round of Random Friday Facts.

1) Yesterday in the pool I thought I might have pulled a muscle – although now I’m thinking it was just a bad cramp. Thing is, it was in the area where I would suspect my lat or my tricep inserts kind of on the back of my shoulder. So, I suppose that would be the posterior shoulder and perhaps the offending muscle was the teres minor (or is it major)? Is that my rotator cuff area? I’m not really sure. What I do know is that it hurt like hell and I couldn’t lift my arm above my head. I had to give it a little massage and slowly stretch it out before I could continue swimming. It finally did work itself out and actually felt pretty good yesterday, but today, my muscles have been twitching and my whole shoulder is rather stiff and achy (like I did a really hard shoulder workout or something). Anyway, it is weird and random and kind of annoying. I’ve heard of leg cramps in the pool, but really, who gets posterior shoulder/lat/tricep/teres minor/major cramps?

2) I have to write a fitness theory/anatomy exam on Sunday. I totally forgot about it until last night. I am not really prepared (see above explanation of my cramping muscle).

3) One of my favourite things is when I pull the blanket off the back of the couch and it is all heated up from the wood stove. It makes it that much more cuddly and wonderful.

4) I had two flat tires on my bike last Sunday in the span of about 10 minutes. The second one was totally my fault. I completely forgot to check my tire for ‘debris’ the first time around and unfortunately I had a nice little C-shaped chunk of metal stuck in that bad boy. I am however, getting much better at flat repair.

5) I hate hot yoga. I know that is very unyogic of me to say, but yeah, I just really don’t like it.

6) Kirsten will be racing the Boston Marathon one month from today. Yippeeee!

7) My shoulder just started twitching again.

8) I have a 3hr bike to do tomorrow and will be going it alone. I’m actually kind of excited about this, as I haven’t done a long(ish) bike on my own in a while. I think it’s good for the mental game.

9) I just finished reading a book called "You Are An Ironman...". It is about 6 weekend warriors training for Ironman Arizona 2009. I enjoyed it, but also found it stressed me out at times. There were moments in the book that I could relate a little too much. I'm not sure if that totally makes sense, but I suppose, I'm realizing that training for an IM the second time around comes with a little more anxiety (for me at least) as there isn't that same blissful ignorance as there was the first time around.

10) My mind just went blank and I have nothing else to say... oh, and there goes my shoulder again. Twitch. Twitch. Twitch.


  1. RC muscles: SITS

    teres minor

    Hope that helps!

    Oh, and I hate hot yoga too. It makes me feel like the world is going to end, lol. Moksha has an awesome "warm" yin class though.

    1. Nice! Thanks Moira.
      SITS - that will definitely help.

      Also, I have heard lots of good things about Moksha, I may actually have to check it out.
