What I can believe is that 2010 is going to be a good year. A great year in fact. I think my favourite birthday card this year came from Kirsten. The message inside it read "there's nothing that two girls in sneakers can't do" and you know, I believe that too.
[I also have to give a little shout out to my 2nd favourite birthday card, which came from Shane (pictured below).
The inside of the card reads "No animals were harmed in the making of this birthday card. One dog, however, was made to feel like a complete idiot."]
Looking forward to 2010, I've been thinking a lot about resolutions (both new and old). I don't typically do the whole resolution thing as I tend to set goals (athletically) throughout the year and am otherwise pretty happy with how I live my life and how I deal with my vices (ahem, lattes, ahem). As such, I'm not sure I feel the need to change anything, or make new resolutions, at this time. That said, looking forward to 2010 has also had me reflecting on resolutions past...
A few years ago, I sat down with Shane and our friend Ash on Jan 1st (2007) and we all wrote down a few things we wanted to accomplish that year. Writing them down really does hold you accountable and I was able to stick with most of the resolutions I made for that year (aside from one which was to "paint more." I'm still not painting nearly enough). Anyway, I think the best resolution I made in 2007 was to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. After a busy 2006 that included welcoming Rusty to the family, finishing building our home and moving in, as well as getting married, I had really let myself get out of shape. I was able to stick with my exercise resolution pretty well, mainly by running, and then in March of that year I saw that Juan de Fuca was offering a triathlon clinic. I thought joining the tri clinic was a great idea and would give me a goal to help me keep fit... those who know me well, know that that clinic pretty much changed my life and that triathlon has become a passion (an addiction some might even say). So, I suppose, resolutions really can be a good thing...
As for the here and now, the past week I had planned to put in some heavy training before we go away on vacation. Unfortunately, the cold that I had been fighting (and thought I shook) caught up with me in a bad way on the morning of Christmas Eve. I've definitely had some colourful phlegm, thankfully only green and not both of the holiday colours (green and red that is). I took Christmas Eve and Christmas day off from training and then tried to get back into it, thinking I could exercise the phlegm right out of me... which, unfortunately I could not. I finally conceded defeat and have spent the day doing nothing (aside from visiting the clinic). I also plan to spend the next few days doing nothing before we head to Hawaii as I want to be healthy enough to enjoy my time with Shane... and besides, how am I supposed to get in some good runs along the beach in Hawaii if I'm still a gooey mess!
Well, with this I will sign off and bid 2009 farewell. I wish everyone a healthy and prosperous 2010.
Thanks for reading.