Wednesday, March 27, 2013


I came across this article the other day. It’s good right? Funny even.

I’ll admit, I’ve read it a few times now and each time I come away feeling a bit sad.  I suppose it just makes me think (maybe too much) and makes me wonder. Then I think “maybe I’m reading too much into this, maybe I’m missing the point”. But ultimately, my feelings are my feelings and they are real. I suppose it just makes me a bit sad because it is so true, for so many of us.

It is definitely true for me.

Don’t get me wrong, I have a good job. I like my job.
Do I love my job? Is it my passion? Ummm, no.

My co-workers are awesome and I’m lucky that they are the group of people I get to spend 40hours a week with, but my actual job isn’t something I always dreamed of doing. It was just something I kinda fell into. It is a paycheque. It is a means to afford the house where I live, the simple luxuries that I take for granted every day and the toys that complement the sport I so love.

That said, I never had a super strong conviction when I was younger about what career I wanted to pursue. Hell, I’m still not sure what I want to be when I grow up (even though I guess I am [kinda] a grown up). So perhaps I was destined to just 'fall into' a job?

I love triathlon. I love running. I love being outdoors. They are my passions. Not only do I spend my evenings and weekends pursuing my passions, I also spend most mornings and even the odd lunch break, chasing the endorphin laced thrill of a good swim, bike or run in the great outdoors.

When I was younger my passion was basketball. I breathed, ate and slept basketball. The reason I went to school (other than the fact that my parents made me) was so I could play basketball. That was pretty much it. I got good grades and did well, but it was sport that always had my attention.

So now, this article, it has left me asking why?
Why did I never let that love of sport lead into a career that I’m passionate about?

... and how?
How do I do this now? When life seems to be so “set” and comfortable, how does one make a bid to finally do what they are passionate about? How can I incorporate my sport, and my passions, into my career?

Anyway, reading this back, I hope it doesn’t come across too whiny. I definitely have a great life that I am very thankful for. I suppose I just wonder what it would be like, if one day, my passion was able to pay my bills?


  1. your post captures EXACTLY what my bff and i talk about all the to turn passions into a career. ten years ago we didn't know what our passions were and have recently discovered what turns our crank (her: animal rights me: exercise/nutrition/health) but somehow don't know how to parlay them into something we can do for a living without sacrificing the comfy lifestyle that we have now. she always says "good enough is the enemy of great"!

    1. "Good enough is the enemy of great." I love that, thanks for sharing...
      Keeping on that theme, I actually saw a quote from Steve Prefontaine this weekend that is similar (and just as awesome) "Don't be afraid to give up the good and go for the great."

  2. hit the nail on the head girl.
    i'm hoping for a mat-leave epiphany. wishful thinking?

    1. Well, if you come up with something good while incubating your little ironman, please, do share.
